EAA Chapter 839

Experimental Aircraft Association

We love our mission...

Our mission is simple. We're here to promote aviation by inviting the public to experience flight, and nurture their interest in aviation through workshops, aviation events and fun activities that bring the community together. We're a non-profit organization and have programs that engage kids and adults alike

We are located at Pegasus Airpark in Stroudsburg, PA. It's a private airport with a grass airstrip on a quaint little farm. There are no fences, no security and no paved parking lots. It's how aviation got started. 

There are many tree covered and winding roads in which to get here, and it makes for a beautiful Sunday drive with the top up or down. So, come out, say hello and start your aviation adventure today.

Click HERE to learn more about EAA.

We love flying…

Each EAA Chapter has its own personality that is reflected in its members and local culture. The members at EAA Chapter 839 are a group of aviation enthusiasts with a passion for building, refurbishing, maintaining and flying primarily vintage aircraft.  We promote diverse interests in aviation and have members that fly airplanes, gliders, helicopters, ultralights, and paramotors.

The local mountains and farmlands that surround us, provide a breathtaking landscape in which we indulge on our weekend adventures. Aviation is challenging, rewarding and offers a lifetime of learning opportunities, whether you aspire to be a casual flyer, professional pilot, or aircraft mechanic.

The only thing that makes us smile bigger than flying itself, is sharing it with other folks. That's why we give flying two thumbs up!!!

We love building planes...

Whether its building a new, state of the art kit plane or restoring a classic tailwheel, the members at Chapter 839 are experienced in aircraft restoration techniques. Working under the direction of certified A&P/IA mechanics, we love breathing new life into older aircraft otherwise grounded. 

Working alongside our Chapter members, our younger members have the opportunity to learn aircraft restoration techniques, as they become the next generation of stewards for these classic, often historic aircraft.

The feeling is priceless when our kids take to the air for the first time in an aircraft they spent a year restoring. Looking out the window at the hundreds of hand tied stitches they so carefully put in place, an overwhelming sense of pride kicks in. There's no point in fighting that smile...let it shine.

We love Young Eagle Rallies...

We also love the smiles on the young faces as we take them flying for the very first time. Imagine the butterflies they'll feel when the pilot asks them to take the controls. All those hours spent flying that video game are about to pay off.

But that's just the beginning. Many of our kids are inspired to become pilots. That's when our members' generosity and mentorship really kicks in. Sharing our time, aircraft and enthusiasm for aviation, to continue cultivating someone's dreams, is what brings a smile to our faces.

Rides are limited to kids 8-17 years old at our events due to volume; but folks of all ages can fly by scheduling a date with us in advance. After all...everyone's a kid at heart...and we never get tired of the smiles!!!

Kids love Young Eagle flights...

Parents love scholarships...

Every year we review eligible candidates for the Ray Aviation Scholarship, affording young people an opportunity to attend flight school, and complete their private pilot rating. Who doesn't love free education?

We love community…and breakfast...

Over the summer, we host monthly pancake breakfasts to engage the community and share our love for aviation. We regularly invite our friends from the Keystone British Car Club, Lehigh Valley Miata Owners Club, Allentown Area Corvette Club, “JEEP” and a few others to our Pancake Breakfasts. We love the cars and the folks that come along. The car folks love the old airplanes and the free rides we give the kids throughout the event. Turns out we have more in common than our taste for pancakes!

Picnic under our dining tent, listen to the DJ, and meet new people while we serve all you can eat pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice. Young Eagle rides are free to kids under 18, and are insured through EAA. The events are from 9am to 1pm and we ask for an $8 donation per person

Find the next breakfast on our Event Schedule. We're looking forward to seeing you!!!

Thanks to all our friends for your support and camaraderie!!!

"EAA Chapter 839 ... What's not to love?"

EAA Chapter 839

Pegasus Airpark

222 Hickory Lane

Stroudsburg, PA. 18360



Regular meetings are every 2nd Wednesday of the month. 
Social Hour: 6-7pmMeeting: 7pm
Come join us for some food and camaraderie.